Ładowanie Wydarzenia
Lokalizacja: Dordże Denma Ling

Wadżrakilaya zmieniająca ofiarę ogniową Czterech Karm

The wrathful deity Vajrakilaya embodies the enlightened activity of all the buddhas, and his practice is known for being the most powerful for removing obstacles, destroying the forces hostile to compassion and purifying the spiritual pollution so prevalent in this age.

Dla tych, którzy ukończyli praktykę odosobnienia Wadżrakilaji, the Four Karmas Fire Offering provides the opportunity to connect further with the wisdom mandala of Vajrakilaya and to engage more fully in all the karmasthe enlightened activities of pacifying, enriching, magnetizing, and destroying.

Who Can Attend

To attend this Four Karmas fire offering, you must have completed the Vajrakilaya retreateither by number of mantras or by time. If you completed by mantras, the Amending fire offering should be completed before attending this retreat. (This program will not “countas an Amending fire offering.)

Required Texts

The fire offering text for this program will be Quick Accomplishment of Buddha ActivityIt is specific to the Netik Phurba and different from the text used for Vajrayogini and Chakrasamvara fire offerings. The liturgy is available for purchase from the NalandaTranslation Committee.

In addition to the Netik Phurba full retreat text, you will need the The Essential Daily Yoga text.

Overview of Schedule

October 22 (Arrival Day)

  • Check-in is open from 3:00 po południu. – 6:00 po południu. Please try to arrive before 5 pm to settle in before dinner.
  • Dinner is at 6:30.
  • There will be an orientation session around 7:30 after dinner.

Październik 23 Set-up shrine, hearth, and shrine room.

Październik 24 –  Listopad 2Practice the Four Karmas at the hearth.

Listopad 3 (Departure Day) Morning takedown and clean up. Departure after lunch.

Retreat Cost

All prices are in $CAD
Tuition & Posiłki: $1,115
Lodging: Extra: varies by type. Visit the Registration Form or this page for a list of options and pricing.

Early Bird Discount of $100 applies if you register by August 15, 2024.

Polityka hojności: If you need financial assistance in order to attend, Proszę complete this form and our Finance Director will contact you. If you have questions or would like to set up a payment plan, contact our Finance Department at [email protected].

Registration and Cancellation Policies

Please take note that our registration and cancellation policies have been updated. Możesz read our registration and cancellation policies here.

To Register Go to the DDL Website



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2024-05-22 20:45:32